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ROMO TELECOM is a company with more than 30 years of experience in the installation and maintenance of telecommunications systems.
Its clients are both, individuals or community buildings in the residential sector, as well as in the business sector, from small SMEs, hotels, shopping centers, such as factories … and also in the public sector, from educational buildings, health care facilities, town councils, councils ….
We have a PREMIE Quality certificate since 1997, based on the European model of Total Quality Management E.F.Q.M.
TIC quality seal, as a telecommunications integrator certified by the Federation of Telecommunications Installers and Integrators, FENITEL.
We are a company registered in the Registry of Telecommunications Installers of the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, to carry out A, B, C, D and F type activities.
We are also registered with the National Commission of Markets and Competition (C.N.M.C), as an Electronic Communications Services Operator.
At this time, it offers solutions for different Smart platforms integrating all kinds of devices, both inside buildings and outside, using any type of connectivity. With its long experience in installation and maintenance, it can offer partial or complete turnkey projects, not only in urban but also in rural areas.
contact person
Jean Paul Olmos
Telecommunications installation and integration
8 workers
Avda. Amaia, 2 – Nave 12 – 48940 – LEIOA – Bizkaia
+34 944 806 900 – 688 638 532
The Duero Hydrographic Confederation needed good internet access in the Águeda – Salamanca reservoir, due to its need to have remote communication and without the possibility of service as it is an area without coverage.
Internet access was achieved via radio and it was distributed by WiFi signal, both throughout the exterior area in more than 40,000m2, and in the interior areas of offices and galleries on various levels.
Communications are wireless WiFi, not only for internet access but also for internal voice and data communications, using different technologies.
The internet connection in the Bilbao Metro has its difficulty being below ground level for most of the journey.
The installation and maintenance of the WiFi service in numerous Metro Bilbao stations, manages to provide service to metropolitan users, not only with secure internet access, but also being able to offer additional information, both of interest to the Metro Bilbao service itself, as well as commercial interest of many businesses and companies.
You can also add any type of device that offers benefits to this infrastructure, both to users, as well as to WIFINOVA, the company that owns and manages the infrastructure, or Metro Bilbao itself.