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ITAC is a leading international Strategic and Financial Consulting firm based in Bilbao, with extensive experience in strategic advisory projects, management of infrastructure development projects, institutional advice, incorporation of management systems and technical assistance.
ITAC formulates and supports infrastructure projects in energy, water, environment, telecommunications, transport and mobility and facilitates the means for their implementation: it provides extensive experience in international project management and economic, financial and institutional analysis for their correct development. Similarly, ITAC participates in advising in the creation of institutions, preparing regulatory adaptations, assisting in the negotiation with regional governments, developing communication campaigns or coordinating specific training programs.
ITAC in its strategy of participation in international projects collaborates closely with numerous Basque industrial and service companies, as well as clusters and sectorial associations.
In July 2021, as part of its expansion strategy, ITAC acquired the consulting company Alium Consulting, also based in Bilbao, with which it shared many synergies and complementarities. Alium Consulting provided specialized strategic and operational consulting services, aimed at the competitive improvement of companies, sector and business associations, clusters and regional and city governments, as well as the different public administrations. Specifically, Alium Consulting provided support to companies and public administrations in the design and implementation of their economic development and competitiveness strategies and policies.
contact person
Ricardo García Leandro
12 workers
Gran Vía 58, 4º, Bilbao
+ 34 944 399 742
Support for the Water and Sanitation Sector Modernization Program, Peru
Status: Completed
Client: World Bank – OTASS
Dates: April 2016 – February 2017
Location: Cusco, Arequipa and Pucallpa – Peru
Support to the Technical Agency for the Administration of Sanitation Services (OTASS) in the implementation of the modernization program, with special focus on improving the performance of the Service Provider Companies (EPS), through the formulation of a business planning methodology and the development of business plans for the EPS in the selected cities (Cusco, Arequipa and Pucallpa).
Support for the Water Sector Modernization Program by identifying actions to improve water and sanitation services in the selected cities, which may include changes in management models, institutional arrangements and investments, to achieve long-term technical, economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Consultancy for the development of public transport strategy: improvement of the legal framework, quality and financial viability of the transport system of Mariupol, Ukraine
Status: Completed
Client: International Finance Corporation (IFC) – Mariupol Department of Transport and Communications (DTC)
Dates: July 2020 – January 2021
Location: Mariupol – Ukraine
Development of a long-term strategy for public transport in the city of Mariupol: preparation of an implementation plan for tariff increase, building the city’s capacity to implement the optimized model for the designated route structure, identification of three pilot routes and implementation of the elaborated public transport strategy.