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Our mission is to contribute to a better urban environment by offering rational and sustainable waste collection systems and services. Underground waste collection systems become a utility and a natural part of the cities’ and the buildings’ infrastructures. Our goal is to offer our customers the most sustainable waste collection system on the global market.
Fully owned by Stena Adactum AB, a company in the Stena Sphere, Envac has 35 offices in 22 countries and the group is organized in six business regions. One of them is South Europe & Americas whose general management is in Madrid, Spain.
contact person
28222 Mahadaonda, MADRID
Stationary Vacuum System
System installed is SVS 500 type for a residential area with a maximum capacity of 19 Tons a day, for 2 fractions of general waste / rest, mixed recyclables without paper.
It is formed by 6.250 total meters of pipes and 250 iniets. One unique waste collection station, which allows waste trucks not enter in the city center.