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DAIR INGENIEROS, founded in 1997, is a civil engineering company located in the Basque Country that develops consulting services from a professional and independent standpoint, with a strong commitment to innovation, sustainable development and respect for the environment.
DAIR INGENIEROS provides a wide range of top-quality engineering services, from a comprehensive multidisciplinary perspective, that extends to the entire value chain of engineering (Planning, design, Construction management and O&M).
Its renowned professional expertise proves its ability and reliability, having participated in many relevant projects undertaken within the areas of Transport infrastructure (railways and roads), Water & environment engineering and Urban planning.
contact person
Stephen Peter Woods
Civil Engineering
42 workers
C/ Kandela Zubieta 29,
+ 34 944 31 50 43
Interchanges in Abi Bakr al Siddiq Road in Riyadh
Project design and site supervision for the construction management of three new interchanges in the Abi Bakr As Sidiqqe Road access to the city of Riyadh, in Saudi Arabia.
The project being part of the investment program of local authorities to change the image of the city and update the urban road mobility of the city of Riyadh, more specifically the main road Abi Bakr Al Siddiq. We participated in the design and technical assistance to the construction works of more than 10 km of this highway with up to 6 lanes that included two interchanges at different levels. The works included several bridges of up to 80 meters of main span and a cut-and-cover tunnel. The total budget of the projected leftovers amounted to € 162 million.
Dammam & Khobar Interchanges
Preliminary studies, design and development of construction projects for the conversion of 16 road interchanges in the cities of Dammam and Al-Khobar, in Saudi Arabia
Together with AMO & P and SILGA companies, we have worked for the Municipality of the Eastern Province (Amana) in a project that covers the study and detail design of 16 road interchanges at different levels in the cities of Dammam and Al-Khobar (Saudi Arabia), being part of the Strategic Plan of the Eastern Province to solve the current traffic and mobility problems. Road interchanges at different levels, from the first stage of preliminary study to the corresponding detail design project, covered a total of 13 bridges and 8 cut-and-cover tunnels. The total budget of the projected works amounted to € 748 million.